Friday, November 6, 2020

gold price

 Just look at the gold price. It is near $2000 per ounce. Brothers and sisters, that is so very expensive. Do believe that people need to wake up. Maybe, it is because we are in a crisis.

Five Dollar Gold Piece

Thursday, November 5, 2020

silver coins

 People are collecting silver coins. These are easy to get and use. Let me add, they do have a nice price. Alas, gold is so expensive. It is almost $2000 for a one-ounce coin. Fellow colleagues, that is a bit pricey. Well, for me anyway.

pure silver coins

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Dog food

 Dog food is using insect protein now. Folks, this might um BUG us. Hey, we do not like the idea of eating tiny creatures that are so creepy. Still, this is our new wave. Many people can wanna go vegan. Eating little bugs is seen as not as bad as eating a cow.


Sunday, November 1, 2020

hot spring

 OK, so a man tried to cook chickens in a yellow stone hot spring. He is arrested of course. Fellow colleagues, it is an eerie universe we are in. Let us wish that things can improve on us. Oh yes, we really do hope so.

Old Faithful Geyser - Yellowstone NP