Monday, May 23, 2022


 Being called pretty is seen as wrong now. I do not enjoy... like living in an extremely politically correct era. Hey, we have to measure every word we say with an eyedropper even. Yeah, it feels like we are walking on eggs.

Pretty Princess

Thursday, May 19, 2022


 Oh wow, landmarks are important, and lighthouses can guide us. This is certainly one eerie enourmous universe. Perhaps our lives do lack purpose. However, remember that God created the universe we are in. He can find a purpose for you.

East Point Lighthouse, New Jersey

Sunday, May 15, 2022

warning sign

 Walmart flashes a warning sign. Yeah, it is for the entire consumer economic crisis. Shoppers are not shopping it seems. Well, we could this one coming. Oh yes, like a mile away even. This should never amaze us. Like we are in a massive recession or near one. Basically, the big flashing red signs do point that way.


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Elon Musk

 Elon Musk warns us. Oh yes, that trouble is near. Folks, we do believe that the hungry wolf is at our door, but we do not know how we can make him go away. Sadly, his enormous appetite is ravenous. Yeah, we did say enormous.

Monday, May 9, 2022


 Mandatory fun at the office is over. Well, that is awesome news. People really do not like to come in. Remote work is max pop.


Saturday, May 7, 2022

tech wreak

 Alas, the tech wreak goes on. The DOWN jones is down some more. Fellow colleagues, it is not a good time to be an investors as we see. Yeah, we really do believe that our situation can improve. However,  in the short term,  like many things might get even worse.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

serve man

 I was seeing the twilight zone episode - to serve man. Spoiler alert, the big hungry aliens are carnivorous. Well, that bit should amaze no one. I do believe that they really wanna serve man - medium rare.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Sunday, May 1, 2022

rear view mirrors

 Folks, there is something special about rear view mirrors. Cardinals peck away at em... like with a passion even. Don't know what the big fuss is. These birds spend hours pecking away at my rear view mirror.
